Who are we ?

What is an agricultural cooperative? 

It is a company created by farmers, which collectively belongs to them and they govern together to value the products of their farms. Agricultural cooperatives are a pillar of the French economy.

Our cooperative collects and transforms the production of its farmers-cooperators and thus contributes to develop the local economy and offer us the basic products that constitute our daily diet.

A cooperative
proud of this local wealth

Founded in 1988 under the impulse of a handful of passionate farmers convinced of their product, the Tarbais Bean Cooperative reflects tradition and modernity.
Located in Tarbes, the Cooperative Tarbais Haricot makes its territory live. It is a collective development tool that creates economic activity and many jobs that can not be relocated thanks to a sustainable territorial anchorage.
The first white bean to have obtained a PGI (Protected Geographical Identification) and a Red Label, it is still collected by hand thanks to the seasonal workforce, testimony of the social role of our sector.
Cooperative status is the guarantee for our producers of fair remuneration because the producer is at the heart of the system.

La Coopérative du Haricot Tarbais

The commitment, the know-how and the love of the product are our identity

Today our cooperative is:

Men and women of Occitanie committed to perpetuate an exceptional know-how by cultivating traditionally and on their soil of origin a seed of local stock! & nbsp;

A cooperative on a human scale promoting the production of the famous white bean of Bigorre in the respect of the human values.

Actors who are committed to federating around a traditional local product and who work every day to transmit this traditional culture to younger generations. If 30% of producers are under 35, it is because our co-operators have been able to federate, sustain and transmit to ensure the renewal of generations of producers.

An independent cooperative with governance provided only by producers. Indeed, 100% of the capital is held by the member producers. Elected by the general assembly gathering the entirety of the members, the 12 administrators producers of Tarbais Haricot fix the strategic orientations of the cooperative independently of the size of their exploitation, 1 man = 1 vote!

The provision of technical support to its members in terms of advice on culture, services offered to its producers and quality control. & nbsp;

A workshop on the town of TARBES and a team of employees who can ventilate, dry, sort and package all the batches of our producers and then market them in different distribution channels and delight the taste buds of gourmets.

Today the cooperative





HA en production


de production
