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Welcome to the online shop of the Haricot Tarbais Cooperative
Proud of its products, the cooperative Tarbais Bean offers you to discover its entire range on its online store. Dry beans for cooks, ready meals for the hurry, but also seeds for home gardeners and gift boxes.
There is something for all tastes, enough to feast and spoil its guests.
Incredible flavors
in recipes
Bet on originality and work tarbe bean differently. Whether version hummus, guacamole, tapas or verrines will surprise you by cooking our precious ingot differently.
In legume salad healthy version or in soup discover many ideas to taste one of your favorite pulses, I named tarbais beans.
You can imagine everything to cook our dry beans it fits all the good recipes. Well, there is plenty in stock on this page!
You want to amaze your guests and have fun? So do not hesitate, check this page and guess the mystery ingredient that will leave more of an open mouth.
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Projet cofinancé par la région Occitanie